Parsons is based in New York and has 7 colleges under it.

FAQ’s About Parson


A portfolio of eight to twelve works needs to be submitted for Parsons. This can include media such as drawing, painting, sculpture, fashion design, animation, performance, graphic design or sketchbook pages. They encourage you to show experimentation in your works irrespective of the subject you are applying for. Your portfolio should reflect who you are because a portfolio is an introduction of yourself to the college committee. Personal and conceptual work is preferred. The portfolio must be submitted online only.


  • Complete your Application
  • Submit your Application Fee
  • Complete the Required Essay
  • Submit Your Portfolio & Parson Challenge
  • Submit your LOR
  • Submit Official transcript
  • Submit English language Proficiency result
  • Check Your Application Status
  • Wait for Decision

For more brief Detail WhatsApp us on +91-9891837209


Graduate Portfolio should consist of works tailored to the program to which you apply.


This challenge is aimed at understanding how a student develops ideas, visually communicates those ideas and how they explain their ideas in writing. For the Parsons Challenge, a new visual work is required separately which should be inspired by one of the pieces submitted in your portfolio. Along with the work, a 500-word essay should be attached describing how your ideas developed. You may also submit upto two additional visual pieces describing your process. Drawing, video, photography, sculpture, 3D work, collage and digital images – any form of media is acceptable. The Parsons Challenge should also be submitted online along with the portfolio.


Attention to Detail

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.


Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.


Communication Design (BFA)
Architectural Design (BFA)

Design and Technology (BFA)
Design History & Practice (BFA)
Fashion Design (BFA)
Fine Arts (BFA)
Illustration (BFA)
Integrated Design (BFA)
Interior Design (BFA)
Photography (BFA)
Product Design (BFA)
Strategic Design & Management (BBA)
Associate’s Degrees in Design and Fashion (AAS)


Architecture (MArch)
Architecture and Lighting Design (MArch/MFA)
Communication Design (MPS)
Data Visualization (MS)
Design & Technology (MFA)
Design & Urban Ecologies (MS)
Fashion Design & Society (MFA)
Fashion Management (MPS)
Fashion Management Online (MPS)
Fashion Studies (MA)
Fine Arts (MFA)
History of Design & Curatorial Studies (MA)
Industrial Design (MFA)
Interior Design (MFA)
Lighting Design (MFA)
Photography (MFA)
Strategic Design & Management (MS)
Strategic Design for Global Leadership (Exec MS)
Textiles (MFA)
Transdisciplinary Design (MFA)




First-Year Early Action: November 1
First-Year Regular Decision: Extended to March 15
Visiting Students: March 15
Transfers: Extended to March 15

All Applicants: October 15


Note :- The above mentioned dates are as per the official site, which can also get extended. For any confirmation call or WhatsApp on +91-9891837209