NATA Details

Particulars BArch
Exam mode Online (Mathematics and Aptitude) and offline (Drawing test)
Number of sections and subjects 3 (Drawing, Mathematics and Aptitude)
Duration of exam 3 hours (180 minutes)

60 minutes per section

Number of questions 77 questions (Mathematics: 25 questions, Aptitude: 50 and Drawing: 2)
Type of questions Mathematics and Aptitude: Objective type questions

Drawing: Questions to test the candidate’s drawing and sketching skills

Total Marks 400 marks (Drawing section will be of total 100 marks, marking of every question will be given along with it)
Language of paper English, Hindi and Gujarati (Aspirant’s from Gujarat, Daman & Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli can opt for Gujarati as well)