JEE 2nd Exam Details

What are the exam details of NATA?

Particulars Details
Mode of Examination Online/Home Proctored Online Test
Medium of Examination English
Duration of the Exam 2 hours
Number of Sections The exam will have two parts-

Part A- Drawing Test (Cognitive skills required for drawing and visual composition)

Part B- PCM and General Aptitude & Logical Reasoning

Section-wise time duration Part A- Drawing Test: 72 minutes (1 hour 12 minutes)

Part B- PCM and General Aptitude & Logical Reasoning: 45 minutes

There is a break of 3 minutes.

Number of Questions Part A-

Drawing Test- 10 Questions (4 Preferential type questions (PTQ) and 6 MCQs)

Part B-

PCM- 15 Questions

General Aptitude & Logical Reasoning – 35 Questions

Total Marks 200 Marks
Marking Scheme Candidates will be awarded 1.5 marks for each correct answer in Part B.


There will be no negative marking.

What is the structure of NATA exam?

NATA Paper Pattern for Part A

Subject Number of Questions Marks per Question Total Marks Time for each question
Cognitive skills for Drawing and Visual Composition Test 1 PTQ 17 marks 17 marks 12 minutes
3 PTQ 16 marks 48 marks 12 minutes for each question
6 MCQs 10 marks 60 marks 4 minutes for each question
Total 10 Questions 125 Marks 72 minutes

NATA Paper Pattern for Part B

Subjects Number of Questions Marks per Question Total Marks
PCM 15 1.5 22.5
General Aptitude 35 1.5 52.5
Total 50 Questions (50 x 1.5 marks per question) 75 Marks

Thus, Total marks of NATA = Part A + Part B = 125+ 75 = 200 Marks